I had intended to post about my 3-5 story time programs each week, but that didn't happen. And now it is already November. Crazy. I snooped around the blogosphere and found some very helpful Librarian blogs. One of my favorites is Abby the Librarian. She has some great ideas for story times - rhymes, movement … Continue reading Fall Story Times
Category: Children’s Services
Halloween at the Library
October is over, which means we have to take down our Halloween decorations *sniff*. This is my favorite holiday and I love to decorate the children's room and teen area at the library. Of course, we missed the actual day of Halloween, since there was no power at the library yesterday. We had 70 kids … Continue reading Halloween at the Library
Sunday Quiz
This is the Harry Potter Mega Quiz - 110 questions. I took it and it said I got 100 out of 121. So it stands to reason that there are more than 110 questions. Some were really obscure and I have to wonder if all the answers were checked in the books. I've read and … Continue reading Sunday Quiz
Happy Banned Books Week!
One of my favorite weeks of the year is Banned Books Week. During this time, I wear my banned books t-shirt, button and bracelet. We create displays in the library to highlight the books that have been banned or challenged within the past 100 years or so. It makes for great discussions/debates/arguments with patrons. Although … Continue reading Happy Banned Books Week!
School, Fall & the Return of Pumpkin Coffee
"Back-to-School" brings up so many feelings and emotions. As September looms closer I always get a vague panicky feeling, like there's something I'm forgetting to do. This is usually followed by some dream that I am in high school or college and I have been going to school all year only to realize that there … Continue reading School, Fall & the Return of Pumpkin Coffee
Sunday Quiz: Can you name the characters from works of children’s literature?
This is much harder than I thought it would be! There are lots of books I need to read.... I got 43 out of 54, but that was sort of because I cheated and googled some of the ones that I didn't know with the time left. Probably more like 30 if I was being … Continue reading Sunday Quiz: Can you name the characters from works of children’s literature?
Summer Reading is over….
This is a belated post. I meant to do this the day I had our annual Ice Cream Party at the end of August. THANK THE BOOK GODS SUMMER READING IS OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I say book gods, because it seems less offensive somehow. Also, it just popped into my head so I typed it. It was … Continue reading Summer Reading is over….
Strange Tales from the Children’s Room…..
Caution: Watch for Falling Poop! I think we have actually lost track as to how many children have left a bit of excrement behind in the Children's Room. In the 4 years the new building has been open, there have been at least as many incidents, if not more. Today was no exception. I was … Continue reading Strange Tales from the Children’s Room…..
Library Puppet Show
So cute - just found this on my phone [vodpod id=ExternalVideo.1002170&w=425&h=350&fv=] Your Videos: Aug 21, 2011 2:10pm (1), posted with vodpod
Animal Adventures!
This is my all-time favorite program that I look forward to every year! (I hope other people do too!) Animal Adventures from Bolton, MA puts on a fabulous presentation. They are great with kids of all ages and they try to let as many kids touch all the animals as possible. They rescue exotic and … Continue reading Animal Adventures!