Sunday Quiz

Can you name the 100 Best Children's Books as selected by OK, this one was tough. The first time I got 51 and the second time I got 72. (out of 100) How many did you get?  

Sunday Quiz

Name all the children's picturebook characters! Fun 🙂

Sunday Quiz: Classics of Children’s Literature

  I found this quiz on the PBS site. Very good questions. I got 4 wrong! Need to brush up on some of my history of children's classics apparently.....   How did you do?

Sunday Quiz

Can you name the words missing from these classics of children's literature? (created by sproutcm) Another great Sporcle quiz! This one is super easy and will make you feel great about yourself. 🙂

Sunday Quiz – Famous Female Heroines

I haven't posted a quiz in awhile, so here is a short one that I thought was pretty good from I got 9 out of 10 right. I'm not familiar with the last book, but I've read all the others, so it was pretty easy for me.   Famous Female Heroines in Children's Literature

Sunday Quiz

This is the Harry Potter Mega Quiz - 110 questions. I took it and it said I got 100 out of 121. So it stands to reason that there are more than 110 questions. Some were really obscure and I have to wonder if all the answers were checked in the books. I've read and … Continue reading Sunday Quiz

Sunday Quiz: Can you name the characters from works of children’s literature?

This is much harder than I thought it would be! There are lots of books I need to read.... I got 43 out of 54, but that was sort of because I cheated and googled some of the ones that I didn't know with the time left. Probably more like 30 if I was being … Continue reading Sunday Quiz: Can you name the characters from works of children’s literature?

Sunday Quiz

Long overdue Sunday Quiz...... Who were you in a past life? results: Jane Austen the answer was kind of obvious, but all in all I am happy with the result 🙂 You were very smart, and wrote some of the most famous novels of all time.

Sunday Quiz: Which Muppet Are You?

Rowlf You are a calm and quiet person, but this does not mean you are overlooked. You are easy going and a fan of the finer things in life. Your artistic flare, leads you to appreciate the arts, especially music! People are drawn to you and enjoy your sense of style. Your hospitality is flawless … Continue reading Sunday Quiz: Which Muppet Are You?

>Sunday Quiz: What Kind of Librarian Are You?

> You are a classic bookworm who started reading at an early age and never looked back. Unfortunately, you can't let go of your childhood memories, so you ended up as a children's librarian. You're peppy and upbeat and full of creativity, but "real" librarians want to poke you in the eye with a sharp … Continue reading >Sunday Quiz: What Kind of Librarian Are You?