The Hello Song Turns Inappropriate….

I have been using a song to start off my 3-5 year old story time called "My Hands Say Hello," which I found on Abby the Librarian's awesome blog. The song goes like this, waving your hands in the air: (to the tune of The Farmer in the Dell) My hands say hello My hands … Continue reading The Hello Song Turns Inappropriate….

Summer Reading is over….

This is a belated post. I meant to do this the day I had our annual Ice Cream Party at the end of August. THANK THE BOOK GODS SUMMER READING IS OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I say book gods, because it seems less offensive somehow. Also, it just popped into my head so I typed it. It was … Continue reading Summer Reading is over….

Strange Tales from the Children’s Room…..

Caution: Watch for Falling Poop! I think we have actually lost track as to how many children have left a bit of excrement behind in the Children's Room. In the 4 years the new building has been open, there have been at least as many incidents, if not more. Today was no exception. I was … Continue reading Strange Tales from the Children’s Room…..